Wooden statue of St.Charles Borromeo

san carlo borromeo in legno ortisei
Statua di San Carlo Borromeo in legno Ferdinand Stuflesser
Statua di San Carlo Borromeo in legno Ortisei
Statua di San Carlo Borromeo in legno dipinta a mano
Statua di San Carlo Borromeo in legno con libro in mano
Statua di Cardinale Carlo Borromeo in legno
Progetto di Statua di San Carlo Borromeo in legno
Statua di San Carlo Borromeo in legno a Ortisei

Here we can present many beautiful photos of statues of St. Charles Borromeo carved by hand in lime or pine wood. As you can see, there are various types of sculpture with other postures and attributes. We have been hand carving in Ortisei in Val Gardena since 1875.

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